Arch Angel Valley in the
Talkeetna Mt Range is a dichotomous world of infinite strength and heartbreaking fragility. 360 degree views present rocky
ridgelines, massive boulder fields, carved canyons and the pebbled remnants of former glaciers; ageless tales told on the grandest scale. While underfoot, tiny shoots and blooms, frilly lichens and tufted moss whisper stories of new life ever-changing, richly woven tapestries of time one could (and did) get lost in with a simple, nose-to-earth repose.

Caryn, pointing to a tiny yellow dot in the far-off distance..our tent!
We played and explored, read and slept, chatted and laughed, in awe, at the beauty all around. Here, in this arena of contrasts, perfectly integrated into one.

And, naturally, finished up with pizza and beer at the local brewery...the Moose's Tooth!