Mom left us two years ago this past Friday, the same day of this year Paul Newman made his own great escape. He was her favorite, Butch Cassidy and the The Sting are probably the two movies I remember most from childhood.
"Raindrops keeps fallin' on my head..."
We celebrated her and all she did for us with an afternoon picnic of fall harvest fruits and cheeses, her favorite wine and a bit of frisbee...of course.
Is there any place more beautiful late September than a Willamette valley hillside?
Farmers' fields of tawny gold
a checkerboard of slumbered orchards and coastal fir
dried leaves, their curled edges catch a breeze, float solitary to winter resting places
as migrating flocks overhead push their way southward.
How lucky am I to have family close by, to still be able to laugh and play together
spontaneous games of "coaster golf" through the house with Dad and brother
a trip to the beach
late night concerts at the Crystal and walks through Sarah's woods
talks over the news of the day
She'd be happy to see us this way
It's just what she would have wanted.
**Photo taken this weekend at Oceanside, OR**